Exchange Capital clients benefit from our vast experience in assisting small to medium sized entities with their foreign exchange requirements. We provide expertise and guidance in helping you find your way through today’s volatile currency markets. By providing competitive rates as well as a range of value added services, you can be sure that your entity is taking advantage of fair pricing. We undertake a full analysis of your foreign exchange process by identifying all areas in which you can make meaningful and sustainable savings thereby maximising competitive advantages.

What We Can Do For You:

  • We act as independent advisors to our clients with regard to their procurement of treasury products and services from local and international banks.
  • Exchange Capital will ensure that your exchange rate is substantially reduced.
  • Short-term Currency Risks (Spot, Forwards, FX Options)
    • Adverse short-term currency movements can decrease an export client’s revenue or increase an import client’s costs.
  • Long-term Currency Risks (Cross-currency swaps, Long-term forwards)
    • Adverse long-term currency movements can decrease the value of a client’s offshore assets or increase the value of a client’s offshore debt
  • Due to our broad relationships with our banking partners, we are able to provide rates that are highly competitive at no cost to our clients. Contact us to ensure that you are benefiting from the best rates possible.