Five Newsworthy Things in SA 4th August 2021:

News in South Africa 4th August: 1. Schools completely looted: Schools across Gauteng and KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) were looted and damaged during the recent bout of civil unrest, piling more pressure onto the education sector which has already been hurt by Covid-19 and associated lockdowns. The pandemic has had a devastating impact on education in South […]

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Five Newsworthy Things in SA 29th March 2021:

News in South Africa 29th March: 1. SA’s Covid vaccine strategy botched: South Africa’s ‘dismally slow’ vaccine acquisition and roll-out means the country will effectively have to rely on natural infection to reach herd immunity, with an estimated 150,000 lives lost to Covid-19 already. This is according to health economist, Professor Alex van den Heever, […]

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Five Newsworthy Things in SA 3rd December 2020:

News in South Africa 3rd December: 1. Government wage deal battle: Although South Africa’s fiscal position has gradually weakened over the past three years, the government cannot walk away from implementing the final year of a three-year wage deal, legal counsel for public sector unions argued on Wednesday. Unions – including the Public Servants Association […]

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