Five Newsworthy Things in SA 10th January 2022:

News in South Africa 10th January: 1. Mandatory vaccines take centre stage: Mandatory vaccination policies have taken centre stage in the tertiary education sector as thousands of pupils and staff at these institutions prepare for the start of the 2022 academic year. The University of Western Cape’s (UWC) Student Representative Council (SRC) said anxiety among […]

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Five Newsworthy Things in SA 3rd December 2021:

News in South Africa 3rd December: 1. Vaccines mandatory from next year: South Africa, which is contending with a massive upsurge in coronavirus infections following the onset of the omicron variant, is readying a mandatory vaccine policy and is set to implement it early next year, a senior labor union official said. Broad agreement has […]

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Five Newsworthy Things in SA 6th October 2021:

News in South Africa 6th October: 1. Uniting to vaccinate everyone: South Africa’s first ‘Vooma Vaccination’ weekend set an ambitious target of vaccinating 500,000 people, and while it only achieved around 350,000 jabs, it represented a significant increase for weekend figures and included an encouraging number of first jabs, says Martin Kingston, chair of Business […]

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Five Newsworthy Things in SA 23rd September 2021:

News in South Africa 23rd September: 1. US approves booster shots: The US has approved the Pfizer vaccine as booster shots for vaccinated individuals. The United States on Wednesday authorized the use of boosters of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine for people aged over 65, as well as adults at high risk of severe disease and those […]

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