Five Newsworthy Things in SA 13th October 2021:

News in South Africa 13th October: 1. More vaccinations needed to hit targets: Business for South Africa (B4SA) says that South Africa will need to introduce a combination of mandatory vaccine policies and incentives if the country is to meet its national vaccination target in December. Currently, vaccination rates are well below the desired rate […]

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Five Newsworthy Things in SA 25th February 2021:

News in South Africa 25th February: 1. Budget speech – response largely positive: he response to National Treasury’s 2021 budget has been broadly positive, with analysts praising the finance minister for sticking to his guns on cutting spending, while dropping plans to raise more taxes. However, it has not been without controversy, particularly from the […]

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Five Newsworthy Things in SA 13th October 2020:

News in South Africa 13th October: 1. UIF running out of money: In a report released last month, the Auditor-General outlined that Unemployment Insurance Fund’s (UIF’s) Covid-19 Temporary Employer-Employee Relief Scheme (Ters) payments were made to dead people, children, prisoners as well as foreigners who had no made contributions to the fund for 12 months. […]

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