Five Newsworthy Things in SA 22nd September 2021:

News in South Africa 22nd September: 1. Delta variant only variant of concern: The World Health Organisation says that the delta variant of Covid-19 has all but wholly replaced most other variants of concern in testes samples across the world, with the alpha, beta and gamma variants only turning up in around one percent of […]

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Five Newsworthy Things in SA 25th June 2021:

News in South Africa 25th June: 1. Gauteng not yet at Covid peak: Politicians and scientists are begging the citizens of Gauteng to do the basics to curb the spread of COVID-19. The nation’s economic hub is in the grips of a bruising third wave, with more than 74,000 active cases in the province. Nationally, […]

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Five Newsworthy Things in SA 4th June 2021:

News in South Africa 4th June: 1. Vaccine rollout hits 1mil mark: South Africa’s vaccine rollout has passed an important milestone by reaching more than one million people at the start of June. As the daily number of doses administered picked up – after a dismally low levels between February and May – the health […]

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Five Newsworthy Things in SA 14th May 2021:

News in South Africa 14th May: 1. Powership tender rigged: Allegations are being made left, right and centre around the use of Turkish-made power ships, and the R255 billion contract scored by the one company who owns them. When Mineral Resources and Energy Gwede Mantashe announced preferred bidders in March, three of the eight preferred […]

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Five Newsworthy Things in SA 30th April 2021:

News in South Africa 30th April: 1. Municipalities could soon collapse: It’s almost clichéd to say SA’s municipalities are poorly run. Virtually every Ratings Afrika and Auditor-General survey reminds us of this. You see it with your eyes as you venture home over potholed roads, passing the street litter that is left to accumulate until […]

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