Five Newsworthy Things in SA 21st September 2022:

News in South Africa 21st September: 1. Eskom to burn R17bn in diesel: As part of Eskom’s updated assumptions for its tariff application for next year, the utility has said it plans to use R16.8 billion of diesel in its next financial year, which starts in April. This is a substantial increase from the amount […]

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Five Newsworthy Things in SA 13th September 2022:

News in South Africa 13th September: 1. Tough future for Rand: The rand is expected to be beaten around by global markets in the coming months, as inflationary and interest rate pressure from central banks in the US and the European Union continue to dominate global market movements. The European Central Bank (ECB) hiked interest […]

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Five Newsworthy Things in SA 29th July 2021:

News in South Africa 29th July: 1. Hospitals and staff overwhelmed: While South Africa may be past the peak of the third wave, hospitals and medical staff are suffering aftershocks as admissions continue to rise. The peak of the wave reflects a topping out of new infections – however, those new cases tend to flood […]

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